Lucky 4 penny piece l844 (Ceithre phingin sonais)
This "lucky" coin was given by Major John MacBride to Fr. Augustine, Capuchin Friar, before he was led out to be shot at 4.a.m. on Friday 5th May l916
Clew Bay Heritage Centre
The Quay
County Mayo
+353 (0)98 26852
Sneak Peek
Some interesting items can be viewed here
- Advertisement from Faulkners Dublin Journal l767
- Altar Stone from Westport Workhouse
- Ammunition Belt
- Autograph Book 1923
- Barber's Chair 1926
- Bottle sealed by marble from Livingstone's Brewery
- Bullet Marked Dish
- Canon
- Cannon Ball c.1680
- Pulpit
- Cash Register c. 1850
- Collection of Medals from the Boer War
- Cross Inscribed Quern Stone
- Cross-inscribed Slab
- Hand Grenade
- Ledger from Mulloys Ironmongers, and Hardware Store
- Letter Weighing Scales
- Lucky 4 penny piece l844
- Magic Lantern c. 1900
- Mould for making altar breads
- Portrait of Maud Gonne MacBride
- Rockfleet Castle
- Rocking Horse
- Sash of Maud Gonne MacBride
- Scientific Equipment used in National Schools from l900s
- Sculpture of Ernie O'Malley, Freedom Fighter and Author 1897 - 1957
- Spinning Wheel of Maud Gonne MacBride
- Terra Marique Putens
- Window bars from Westport Workhouse
- Wooden Door