Accommodation for up to 70 people with space allotted for wheelchairs.
Fr Peyton's life story is told with the assistance of video clips, slides and 3 dimensional scenes.
Photographic Exhibition
In the foyer you will find:
Photographic exhibition of the prayer crusade
Memoribiliae of Fr Peyton
- Albums of photos to peruse at your leisure
We carry many publications including the following:
All for Her - Servant of God, Fr Peyton's autobiography
A Man of Faith - Fr Peyton's life story by Jeanne Gosselin Arnold
Fr Peyton's Prayer Book - by Holy Cross Order
History of Attymass - by local writer Bridie Hughes Padden
Hard Fighting in Poor Times - by local writers Padraig Meer and Jim Reddiough
- Coming Safely Home - by Donegal writer Bartly McFadden
and many more books on religous topics.
Our restaurant can seat up to 80 people comfortably:
Home cooking a speciality
Refreshments available all times
- Lunches must be pre-booked
Retreat Centre
The Fr Peyton Memorial Centre is a place of respite, prayer and peace. It is an ideal venue for retreats. We can accommodate 5 people in our apartment.
Our resident Spiritual Director, Fr Bart Salter arranges and agrees a retreat programme with each group or individual, which makes their retreat more meaningful.

Fr Peyton Memorial Centre
County Mayo
+353 (0) 96 45374
Sneak Peek
Some interesting items can be viewed here