Pottery Hot Water Bottle (Buídeal te)
Flat-bottomed, stone coloured round pottery 'hot water bottle & bed warmer,' stamped across front in black lettering within circular design: 8" diameter. Washer and stopper fitted to prevent leaks.
Used to warm up beds to mid 20th century, when they were replaced by the rubber variety.
Used by the family of Paddy Byrne, Aiden St., Kiltimagh.

Kiltimagh Railway Museum
County Mayo
+ 353 (0)86 101 1388
Sneak Peek
Some interesting items can be viewed here
- Abacus Ball-frame
- Apron
- Barber's Pole and Chair
- Bedspread or Quilt
- Bicycle Permit
- Clay Pipe
- Copying Press
- Cosmetics
- Doll
- Farming Implements
- Gas Lamp
- Gas Meter
- Gold medal
- Life Jacket
- Model Locomotive
- Locked draws
- Glass Case
- Olympic Crest 1924
- Police hat and badge
- Pottery Hot Water Bottle
- Ration Book
- Replicas of Boston Famine Memorial
- Scales
- Scales for eggs
- School Clock
- Sculpture of the Station Master
- Sketch of Raftery
- Staff Key
- Sundial
- Sword
- Wooden Trap
- Wooden Cradle